Solutions for Projects

Sika provides integrated, fully compatible products for your various construction projects, from basement to roof, in building and infrastructure construction worldwide. Our construction material solutions provide for you:

  • Project functionality
  • Enhanced design possibilities
  • Better ability to meet rigorous design and construction challenges and standards
  • Extended life of your project and its major structural components
  • Sika specialized contractor network
  • Sika warranty coverage
  • Expert technical assistance throughout your project

Explore Sika's Solutions for Projects

Solutions for Airports

Airports and the aviation industry present particular challenges.
Sika understands these challenges and offers advice and
solutions to satisfy the performance requirements of every part
Dams are structures that present particular challenges and
complexities. Sika’s specialists understand these and provide
advice with problem solving solutions to safely and securely…
Sika’s concrete and shotcrete technologies contribute to efficient
mine construction under a suite of climatic conditions.
Sika concrete admixtures stands up to the highest quality and HSE…
Tunnel boring machines (TBMs) are very advanced equipment
used as an alternative to drilling and blasting through rock and
“conventional mechanical excavation” in soft ground. Sika…