For over a century, Sika has been involved in highly challenging tunneling and mining projects around the globe. Sika supplies solutions for the largest and technically most complex projects – from below the Atacama Desert in Chile inside the large Chuquicamata block caving mine to the Gotthard base tunnel 2,500 meters below the Swiss Alps.
All projects below ground have unique challenges and requirements. Together with our partners, we take on these challenges and implement tailored solutions for their specific technical requirements, environmental conditions and logistical hurdles. Sika is at the forefront when it comes to efficiency improvements in tunneling and mining, reducing excavation times with faster shotcrete solutions and optimizing the cost performance of concrete in all underground operations. With a fully integrated and smart, high quality product portfolio, we are your ideal business partner to continue forging ahead in underground construction.
Explore Sika’s Tunneling and Mining Solutions